Thursday, November 6, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

New Car!

So I got the new car home and we got the windshield replaced so we can get it registered in the next day or so. I had no idea that windshields were so expensive!! $180 dollars to replace it, and I wouldn't have even done it except that Utah's rules to register your vehicle are retarded. It wasn't impairing vision or anything so.....anyway it's done and between that and Van repairs we are gonna be tightening up that belt the rest of the month :) At least my wife has become the budgeting guru and let's me know just what we can and can't do :) Anyways we are glad to have vehicles and extremely grateful for all the help and blessings we have received.

My trip to Boise

So i had to make a quick run to Boise to pick up our new to us car. Thanks again to Heather's Dad for all the help. While i was there anna and DJ had their baby and i got to see him ! Below is Boston elliott eberlin (Sorry if the spelling is wrong) i will also post pics of the car above

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Floor finished

Well the floor is done now all that is needed is for the carpet to be stretched and that will have to wait until grandma and grandpa get home and can get all their stuff out of the room, but no more ruined floor !

Our progress

All the bad floor tore up and ready to lay new boards

Friday, October 31, 2008

Giant donut

So at the carnival last night Carter won a giant donut from the cake walk. I thought i would share before we aye it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kids halloween carnival

Here we are at the halloween carnival. The kids had a blast and i am tired.

Vacation sweet vacation

So here is my vacation project . To fix the flooded floor in the basement yay how much more fun could anyone ask for out of a vacation! No but seriously my dad is coming to help on saturday and all the ruined floor boards are gonna get replaced

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Does this work

So im trying to link my phone to my blog so this is the test run!

Hooray for Vacation!!!

So Today marks the start of my 9 day vacation!! What am I doing for vacation, one might ask?.........Wait for it ..........wait for it........NOTHING!!!!!! That's right I am not going anywhere, not doing anything significant, just not working! Why not take the family on a raod trip or go visit some family? Because those things cost money, and I have none of that so I will be spending 9 days watching football, working on the house, playing with the kids, and catching up on something I never seem to get enough of....sleep! If anyone wants to come hang out please feel free! It's gonna be exciting :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Dang Mormons

So I have a new restaurant pet peeve, I know it is a long list, but here it is. Freakin hypocritical mormons who eat out on Sunday!! I know, I know, its not that big of a deal right....wrong! Every one I talk to at church gives me that look when I say I have to work on Sunday. You know the look...the -did you just say that you shot your grandmother in the face and lit her on fire- look. Some even go so far as to comment, "Is it really worth it, having a job that makes you work on the Sabbath?" Like I have any choice in the matter. GRRRRRRR! No I have no choice, but you know who does? People that eat out! Specifically those who blatently eat out on Sunday and don't even bother to hide the fact that they are mormon. The BYU t-shirt, or the white shirt without the tie where I can see your garments, and my favorite the Giant CTR ring on your finger...those things don't mean your mormon right? The simple fact is that I haven't worked a Sunday yet here in Utah that I didn't see someone with these tell tale mormon identifiers in my restaurant. It drives me INSANE!!!!!! Okay I'm done. DON'T EAT OUT ON SUNDAY. period.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay so I'm not nearly as exciting or good at blogging as my wife is but here goes. To catch everyone up, I was supposed to get a transfer to the Layton Cracker Barrel and now I am going to go to The West Valley Cracker Barrel. I am not very happy about this switch it means at least a half hour commute and with gas prices that means a paycut :( They are in desperate need of a manager and one who can turn some things around and so once again Jaron is called in as the cleanup crew. It always seems that I get to play clean up. On my mission I was always assinged to the areas that had been closed for sometime because of Elder's who couldn't follow rules or do what they were supposed to and now it has transfered into my professional life! Hopefully it will add some creativity to my job and will push me forward closer to becoming a GM for Cracker Barrel. I know that it is going to be rough and I don't look forward to that, but if I can help then it will look very good on my work record. They have had 2 managers quit from that store in the past 2 months!!! I hope it's not a deal breaker :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Seperation Sucks

So as many of you know our little family has been seperated for a little while now, almost a month, because of the timing of my transfer to Utah. Let me just say this is no fun. I am bored out of my mind, hence the reason that I just decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon! :) Shortly after our move down I was able to travel back to Utah for a weekend which was nice, but it will be better when I can be there permanantly! Right now I am stuck in Trent's apartment doing absolutely nothing on my day off because I have to save the money for gas to go to Poky this weekend. The sacrifice will be worth it though to be able to see my family and kids! I plan on using this blog as therapy ;) I always feel better about the situations in my life that I write about or at least get off my chest. So it will probably be a little disjointed and random, but that is no surprise to anyone that knows me.