Monday, July 14, 2008


Okay so I'm not nearly as exciting or good at blogging as my wife is but here goes. To catch everyone up, I was supposed to get a transfer to the Layton Cracker Barrel and now I am going to go to The West Valley Cracker Barrel. I am not very happy about this switch it means at least a half hour commute and with gas prices that means a paycut :( They are in desperate need of a manager and one who can turn some things around and so once again Jaron is called in as the cleanup crew. It always seems that I get to play clean up. On my mission I was always assinged to the areas that had been closed for sometime because of Elder's who couldn't follow rules or do what they were supposed to and now it has transfered into my professional life! Hopefully it will add some creativity to my job and will push me forward closer to becoming a GM for Cracker Barrel. I know that it is going to be rough and I don't look forward to that, but if I can help then it will look very good on my work record. They have had 2 managers quit from that store in the past 2 months!!! I hope it's not a deal breaker :)