Friday, October 31, 2008

Giant donut

So at the carnival last night Carter won a giant donut from the cake walk. I thought i would share before we aye it.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kids halloween carnival

Here we are at the halloween carnival. The kids had a blast and i am tired.

Vacation sweet vacation

So here is my vacation project . To fix the flooded floor in the basement yay how much more fun could anyone ask for out of a vacation! No but seriously my dad is coming to help on saturday and all the ruined floor boards are gonna get replaced

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Does this work

So im trying to link my phone to my blog so this is the test run!

Hooray for Vacation!!!

So Today marks the start of my 9 day vacation!! What am I doing for vacation, one might ask?.........Wait for it ..........wait for it........NOTHING!!!!!! That's right I am not going anywhere, not doing anything significant, just not working! Why not take the family on a raod trip or go visit some family? Because those things cost money, and I have none of that so I will be spending 9 days watching football, working on the house, playing with the kids, and catching up on something I never seem to get enough of....sleep! If anyone wants to come hang out please feel free! It's gonna be exciting :)